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Three rounds for time:21-15-9barbell deadlift, hang power clean, thruster (125/85)400m run They’re Back! A big welcome back to the shop to Jason and Tracy.   We can’t wait to see the little one around at the shop and get back to working out with the two of you.
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Complete:20 calorie Row30 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball20 Toes to bar30 Box jumps, 24″ box20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 108 pound kettlebell30 Burpees20 Shoulder to overhead, 135 pounds2:00 minute flexed arm hang One Week Shop Closure Hi folks.  I wanted to take this opportunity to describe what will go on at CrossFit Roots over the next month. Beginning next Thursday you will start to see a number of boxes accumulating in the red room.  Some new equipment will make its way out onto the floor but the majority of it wil stay tucked away for the meantime. From Monday, September 5th through Friday, September 10th Roots will be closed for the annual week-long shop closure.  During this time we will construct the new pull-up rig and do some major renovations to the space. We are really excited about the new equipment and the training possibilities we will be able to offer you,...
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CrossFit Roots gears up for another Paleo Kit order.
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Perform the following tests: L-sit for time.Handstand walk for distance.Chest to bar weighted pull-up for load.Snatch 1 rep for load. The L-sit and handstand walk will take place in warm-up.  Athletes will have 10 minutes to find their 1 rep max weighted chest to bar pull-up.  The remainder of class time will be devoted to a 1 rep max snatch. Two Year Anniversary Party RSVP It’s just a little over a week away – the two year anniversary party and family picnic! Please RSVP by THIS Friday to the Evite! Didn’t get the Evite?  Email stefanie @
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CrossFit Roots says goodbye to Gil.
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