
Stay in the Know

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“Jackie” 1000 meter row45 pound Thruster, 50 reps30 pull-ups May Newsletter The May Newsletter hit email inboxes yesterday afternoon.  An online version is available here. June Benchmark Series Voting begins next week!  Check out the list of benchmarks here so you know which ones you want to vote for! Summer Teens Program We’re looking for a few good teens!  This summer we plan to offer a CrossFit strength and conditioning program for high school athletes.  The program will take place at 10:00am 2-3 days per week.  The course is limited to 10 athletes who are in high school or will be freshmen next year.  Do you have a teen that might be interested in this program?  Please send an email to Nicole for more information.
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“Moore” Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascentRun 400 metersMax rep Handstand push-up Post number of handstand push-ups completed for each round to comments. What is your Super CrossFit Power?  Post to comments.  
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Four 3 minute rounds of:25 BurpeesThen do,Power Cleans (165/110) for the remainder of the intervalRest 1 minute between rounds.Score is your total number of power cleans completed New Erg Class Does the thought of sitting on an erg for an hour make you cringe?  Does being trapped in the straps for a 2k bring back nightmares?  Well you’re in luck!  You have a second erg class option to train your weakness with the one and only coach Lauren. Beginning this Saturday Lauren will offer a weekend Erg WOD at 10:30am.  This class will be offered most, but not all, Saturdays.  Check the weekly schedule on MBO to see if it’s available. Thanks Lauren!
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CrossFit Roots announces the Colorado Open.
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Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
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