“Elizabeth”21-15-9 reps of:Clean 135 poundsRing dips Don, This One’s For You A year ago this evening I was out to dinner with Eric and a friend and headed to California the next day to visit my grandfather who had fallen ill with pneumonia. The phone rang and I answered to say hello to my brother who I assumed was calling to discuss picking me up from the airport. “Hey Nicole, Don passed away this evening.” I’ll never forget my brother’s words and I’ll always remember the sad, empty, and helpless feeling. Don was the first, and only so far, of my grandparents to pass away and death was something with which I had limited exposure. I spent the evening crying, laughing, and remembering my grandfather with Eric sitting in the chairs my grandparents had sent to us and which I had sat in with my grandfather as a little girl. The next...
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