Welcome to the official Roots Intramural Open Week 2 Score Report, where we bring you all of the highlights from the week and announce the current leader. First, we wanted to correct a miscalculation in last week’s scoring. Jess’ stellar performance in 22.1 wasn’t added to Team Green’s score, which should have been 1246. Therefore, VirtuJOSHity took home the win for Week 1. We apologize for the confusion. Okay, on to Week 2! The classes continue to fill up fast during the week as athletes fight for their attendance points (when the Open is done, let’s keep this up!). Along with the recurring points — attendance, Top 5, team average, doing the workout in class on Fridays, and wearing your team color — teams had the opportunity to earn an extra 200 points for their team through a one-pot cook-off. The afternoon classes on Monday had a lunch-time treat, when...
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