2012 CrossFit Games Track Triplet Workout:Three rounds for time of: 115 pound Split snatch, alternating legs, 8 reps 7 Bar muscle-ups Run 400 meters Free Class Tonight and Fall Schedule Curious about CrossFit? We have a free class and intro session tonight at 7pm. Space is limited. Reserve a spot here. AND…introducing the fall schedule! Welcome 6:00am 5...Read More
Deadlift 1 rep max.First, work split snatch technique for 20 minutes. Hello Split Snatch. In the 2012 CrossFit Games athletes were required to do a split snatch with alternating legs. Are you set in your right or left sided ways? Ever try to brush your teeth with the opposite hand? Try it out and get...Read More
Backsquat (week 11)Handstand walk 90 yards for time. Sanitas Happy Hour and Endurance Fall Session Reminder! Today is the Sanitas Happy Hour. Meet at the trailhead at 5:00pm. Read all the details about this hike/run/walk social and happy hour to follow. You don’t want to miss out! AND…don’t forget about the fall session of the...Read More
Open Shop.10:30-12:30.Open to members only. Sign-up on MBO. Reminders! * Sanitas Hill Climb and Happy Hour is TOMORROW (Monday). Details here. Don’t miss out on this fun social event. * Endurance Fall Session sign-up is open now. Details here. * Fall schedule kicks off August 20th! Be sure to look over MBO carefully for new...Read More
Deadlift (Week 10)then, 5 minute AMRAP:5KB swing5 push-ups10 KB10 push-up…add 5 reps to each round for the five minutes. Endurance Happy Hour is Monday! Don’t forget! The first inaugural CrossFit Roots Endurance Team happy hour is MONDAY! This event is open to all Roots members and will be a great evening event. Check out the...Read More
3 four minute rounds of:row :30 seconds / rest :30 secondsrest exactly four minutes between rounds Helicopters Athletes are like helicopters, tons of flying time and very little maintenance. CrossFit, hiking, biking, running, paddle boarding, water skiing, skiing, snowboarding – we do it ALL! But for every hour of activity do you work through...Read More
For time: 30 GHD sit-ups 225 pound Deadlift, 30 reps 30 Double-unders 95 pound Overhead squat, 30 reps 30 Pull-ups A Squirt of Dopamine. Last week’s issue of The Week featured a cover story titled “Technology: Is it Making Addicts of Us All?” The article highlights the psychological impacts of our obsession with technology including cell phones, computers, the internet,...Read More
Push Press (Week 10)then:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1front squat (115/75)two push-up burpee The Two Push-up Burpee Circa 2009 the coaches heard a lot of complaints about burpees. They were hard. They were unforgiving. They scuffed up the knees. They made men into mice, women into little girls, and left athletes feeling sorry for themselves and debating about whether to...Read More