“Willy” Three rounds for time of:Run 800 meters225 pound Front squat, 5 repsRun 200 meters11 Chest to bar pull-upsRun 400 meters12 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood It’s Cold Out. It Could Be Colder. It would be easy to hit the snooze button at 5:30am this morning. You could easily hit the “late cancel” button for the...Read More
For time:15 Dumbbell burpee box-overs, 50 pounds, 24″ box315 pound Deadlift, 15 reps205 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps15 Muscle-ups CrossFit Roots Presents…DJ Double Under! Two years ago DJ Double Under, was a mixing machine on the rise. Since making his second epic appearance at CrossFit Roots, he has become one of the most in-demand DJs...Read More
Squat clean 2 reps EMOTM for 15 minutes. Go up in loading as able. Reps do not have to be touch and go but need to be back to back. Thanksgiving Drop-ins The Thanksgiving weekend is a prime time for folks to drop in to other CrossFit facilities around the country. We were lucky to...Read More
“Helen”3 rounds for time: 400 meter run 21 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood) 12 pull-ups Find Your Greatness We last did Helen on August 26th and before that, June 2nd. Helen is one of the most frequently tested benchmarks in CrossFit. It’s a perfect balance between many elements we train in CrossFit. Did you write down...Read More
THANKSGIVING DAY SHIT SHOW In teams of five:Tabata Air Squatsthen, as a team, complete each of the following 8 minute AMRAPs in any order:AMRAP 1: Power Clean Your TurkeyFind your team’s 1 rep max power clean.AMRAP 2: Atlantic CrossingComplete as many rounds of the AMRAP:Prowler boat crossing, 10 burpees by each team memberProwler boat crossing,...Read More
10 Double Unders, 1 Snatch EMOTM for 15 minutes. Go up in loading as able. Happy Hour at FATE Join us tonight from 4:30-6:30pm at FATE Brewing Company for drinks, thanks giving, and food! FUN FACT!: Roots athlete Mike is the founder of FATE! Location: 1600 38th Street, Boulder Spouses/family welcome! Questions? Post to comments.Read More
Three rounds for time:Row 500m30 KB swings 15 box jumpsRest exactly 1:00 between rounds. Turkey Challenge Wrap-up A big congratulations to the three Roots teams that competed in the Turkey Challenge this past weekend. We had teams compete in both the PRO and the OPEN divisions. Team Roots competed in the PRO division and finished...Read More
5 rounds for time:20 wallball (20/14)10 toes to bar MBS Turkey Challenge Results Link Stay tuned in to the minute by minute action at the 2013 MBS Turkey Challenge as three Roots teams compete throughout the weekend. MBS Turkey Challenge Also follow us on Twitter and Instagram as we’ll post pictures and results during the...Read More