DON’T FORGET! Order your food for the 14.3 Friday Night Throwdown! Yellow Belly Chicken orders, click here.
5 rounds:
10 thrusters (95/65)
10 box jumps (24/20)

Fifth and Happy!
Team Roots climbed the leaderboard from ninth to fifth overall in the Southwest Region after a strong 8th place performance in 14.2.
The same six individuals scored for Roots as in week one, but it wasn’t without struggle and perseverance:
Abby Knowles – 245
Nicole Christensen – 194
Cindy Arangua – 180
Walker Savidge – 206
Dave Lee – 201
Blaine Guenther – 201
On Friday night, Cindy threw down on 14.2 at the Friday Night Throwdown and did not make it into the third round. For any of you who know Cindy and saw her performance, you know that it wasn’t for lack of strength or effort! – it was lack of technique. Watching Cindy on the pull-up bar you could see that she wasn’t using her hip in the chest-to-bar pull-up. That’s a lot of semi strict chest-to-bar pull-ups! Her score was 132.
Over the weekend Cindy took the time to work on her technique in the kipping pull-up and came back Monday to try the workout again. At 10am on Monday Cindy battled the workout with Nicole and Abby to turn in a new score of 143. AWESOME! – eleven more reps! But not really…
While Cindy’s score was a great improvement, she finished just ONE REP SHY of making it to the next round!
So, she did what any self-respecting competitor would do – she redid the workout AGAIN at 4pm on Monday and turned in a score of 180 just before the 6pm cut-off for score submissions.
Hats off to Cindy for her incredible determination and belief in herself. This is such a wonderful example of how technique can propel an athlete to the next level.
Yeah, that’s a fairly awesome story. Congrats to Cindy and the whole Roots team! Keep on representin’!!
Way to go Cindy & Team Roots!
Wow! Great work Cindy! Go Team Roots! I’m rooting for you from Frisco.
Great job, Cindy!! Your persistence is so inspiring – keep it up!
I love this post. Every day at the school I lead we spend time working with kids on what we call Habits of Scholarship. One of these habits is Determination. Far too often our kids don’t have relevant personal example of determination and could really benefit from having people in their lives who live the habit of determination every day. I wish I could bottle up Cindy’s determination here and give it to my students.
I’m so proud of you Cindy! Nice work.
Go Cindy, super inspiring! Shout out to Nicole also, great update show…and I loved your lipstick!