AMRAP 60 MINUTES of as many rounds of Helen as possible:
Run 400 meters
1.5-pood kettlebell swings, 21 reps
12 pull-ups
Repeat rounds for one hour. Every time you come off the pull-up bar, 10 burpees with a 20-lb. vest. Every time it looks like you’re not trying hard, 20 push-ups. Every time you put down the kettlebell, we’ll squirt you with a water gun.

Thank You Judges.
A lot of folks contributed to the success of the Open. For those participating in the Open, you learned the workout on Thursday night and just 24 hours later a fully certified and committed crew of judges were briefed on the movement standards, learned the scaled options, knew when to take tie breakers, and were ready to judge for three straight hours. Together they upheld the movement standards and represented one of the few Open judging staffs in the world that were required to pass the CrossFit Judges Course in order to volunteer.
It’s no small statement when we say the the success of the Friday Night Lights Open series is almost entirely made possible by the volunteer judging staff.
The coaches would like to express their gratitude to the folks listed below in helping to make the past five weeks a huge success. Thank you to the many folks who took and passed the CrossFit Judges Course and signed up to volunteer for Friday nights.
Thank you judges!
Marcus Martin
Pam Walter
Andrea Olson
Sylvia Clark
Kitty Stevenson
Aimee Lutz
Alex Chaux
Ian Gerber
Chris Dizon
Margaret Graham
Maura Dudley
Greg Castro
Joe Oldenslo
Rob Guglielmetti
Allison O’Brien
Marge Schreiber
Kevin Kinnear
Megan Dawson
Stacey Mandel
Patrycja Krystman
Paula Martin
Maria Paz Riquelme
Drew Larsen
Lisa Covey
Arlene Brugal
Hillary Harris
Andrew Wax
Ben O’Brien
Emily Moore
Athletes, now’s your opportunity. Did you have an awesome judge? A great judge interaction? Now’s the time to thank them. Post to comments.
Thanks Hillary!
I LOVE having a judge. Takes all the counting out of the equation.
Thanks Maura and Arlene. It was great to have you guys there giving me a nudge, but not too much of a nudge:)!!
I can’t make it into the gym today so did this workout on my own early this morning. I got 53 rounds (plus the run and 7 swings). Is that good? I figured I’d lose too much time putting the vest on and taking it off for the burpees, so just left it on the whole time, but I think it slowed down my runs a bit. I’ll remember that for next time.
Paula was an awesome judge! Thanks Paula, Trish and Kirk!
Thanks to PMART, JT, Stef and Nicole. Even though JT shorted me one DU and Nicole one thruster… I’m sure I’ll get over it eventually;)
Thanks Stef, Eric, Dizon, Khem and Hank!
Thank you to Paula for being an awesome judge and coach, you were so motivating! Thank you Joe for getting me through 15.5! I seriously might have quit if you hadn’t kept me on track and pushed me to pick up the bar.
I agree with Nicole – having a judge is so awesome! Special thanks to
Rob (Googs) for counting my single unders…that must have sucked! Also
thanks to Stacey (x2!), Silvia and Luke for being great judges and
score keepers!
Kim, ya made it easy to count because you just hammered ’em right out!
S/O to all my fellow judges! Thanks Lisa, Luke, Greg, Trish, and Sylvia!!
IGGY – you pulled me through 15.5!
…don’t know about that 850 calorie row pace though…
But it kept me under 20 minutes – so thanks a ton, dude.
Thanks for bearing with me!
To the Honorary Fellow Googs, my judge and cheerleader to the end. You got me through a tough open sick and all. Thanks for never letting me stop, being tall enough to see over my feet (I know, extreme heights there on my end
Hey, it was fun! Eley, your enthusiasm is easy to rally behind. Next year, for sure…
Castro and hill harris, you guys kept me going and were there with me on every rep. Thank u for a great open!