Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups 20 one-legged squats, alternating 10 box jumps, 36-in. box Let today’s 20 minute workout get your mind off the cold!Read More
3 rounds of: 3 minutes of rope climbs 2 minutes of squats 2 minutes of push-ups 3 minutes to run 400 meters Wear a weight vest or body armor. After the run, rest for the remainder of the 3 minutes before beginning the next round. Please see below for our modified Holiday schedule over Christmas...Read More
3min AMRAP: 100ft shuttle sprint 15 power cleans REST 3min 3min AMRAP: 100ft shuttle sprint 12 power cleans REST 3min 3min AMRAP: 100ft shuttle sprint 9 power cleans We all know how to use our muscles but do you know what’s really going on in there when you do? The video above is an entertaining,...Read More
BSU 3 rounds for time of: 7 thrusters 15 muscle-ups 10 power snatches I made this one from NomNom Paleo last week and I don’t think I’ve ever made an easier recipe. Like the rest of her recipe’s, it’s also delicious. Is it me or does it seem like 90% of fish recipes are salmon?...Read More
For time: Row 30 calories 30 handstand push-ups 30 L pull-ups sumo deadlift high pulls, 30 reps 30 inverted burpees 30 toes-to-bars Row 30 calories Have you seen this film? It’s pretty awesome! Australian actor Damon Gameau subjects himself to 2 months of eating the Australian average daily intake of sugar (40 teaspoons per day!). At...Read More
CrossFit Kids class this Saturday, 9am -9:40am! Bring your 5-9 year old for Kids class this Saturday morning, December 10th. Middle School and High School at 10am. Row 5x800m The super sweet Zip Hoodies are IN but, “Where are the sweatpants and pullover hoodies?” you ask. The wait is officially over! And yes, they’ll be...Read More