Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 In Katy Bowman’s book, Move Your DNA, she discusses captive whales and how many eventually develop what scientists have termed Flaccid Fin Syndrome (FFS). We’ve all seen the captive whales with the bent-over dorsal fins. Marine scientists have concluded that the mechanical environment of captivity does not introduce the same types of...Read More
“Nickman” With a 55-lb. and 35-lb. dumbbell, 10 rounds for time of: 200-meter farmers carry with both dumbbells 35-lb. weighted pull-ups, 10 reps 55-lb. dumbbell power snatches, 20 reps, alternating arms Are you as excited as I am to watch the 2016 CF Games Documentary?! In a lot of ways I like watching the Games...Read More
“Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps for time of: Clean 135/85# Ring dips This is part of your yearly benchmark series. Log your score! How about a little light reading for a Saturday? Leave the sugar out of your coffee too. Sugar industry funded research to cast doubt on sugar’s health hazards, report saysRead More
4 rounds with 3min rest between: 30 double-unders 20 step-ups (24/20) 30 kb swings (1.5/1) 1. Vitals: Allison Smith, joined in August 2015 2. Where were you born/raised? Northern Virginia 3. Married, kids, family? Just a mischievous kitten named Tellie 4. What do your days consist of? Registered Dietitian by day and food lover/beer connoisseur by night. I work...Read More
Last chance to order delicious “Paleo” fried chicken, ORDER Yellowbelly NOW! (they have other delicious stuff too) Class WOD Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 10 power snatches (95/65) 10 burpees CCS Finale WOD (4pm-7pm) “Nick” 12 rounds for time of: 45 pound Dumbbell hang squat clean, 10 reps 6 Handstand push-ups on...Read More
REMINDER: This Thursday is the last Cool Cruel Summer event. We will be doing the hero WOD, Nick. Suerte Tequila will be onsite sampling delicious drinks! Pre-Order your Yellowbelly here! Bring a favorite drink to share! 25min AMRAP: 15 unbroken squat clean thruster slamballs (20/30) 400m recovery run We’re all familiar with what lactic acid feels like in...Read More
Pre-Order your Yellowbelly food for the final installment of the Cool Cruel Summer Series this Thursday! Row 250 meters Row 500 meters Row 1,000 meters Row 500 meters Row 250 meters Rest 1 minute between efforts. Ladies of Roots, the moment you have been waiting for is HERE! The Roots/Shebeest collection is now available for...Read More
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then, Death by Handstand Push-Ups: 1 on min1 2 on min2 3 on min3 … until you can no longer finish the amount of hspu within the minute. Death by Handstand Pushups is part of your yearly benchmark series. Log your score! Back on the menu beginning next week is the Erg Wod...Read More
10 rounds for time of: 155-lb. power cleans, 5 reps 10 walking lunges Don’t miss out on this gem of a workout. Also, new weekly Open Shop Hours are in full effect. Check it out and read the full post here. Tuesday 7:30-11:30am 1:30-4pm 6-7pm Wednesday 7:30-11:30am 6-8:30pm Thursday 7:30-11:30am 6-7pm Friday 7:30-11:30am 1:30-6pm Sunday...Read More
REMINDER: Class at Roots at 7:00am and class at North Boulder Park at 9:00am. 7:00AM Class at Roots In teams of two: 60 Snatches, 135/95 lbs 60 burpee box jump up and overs, 24/20 9:00AM Workout at the Park Three rounds for time: 40 Kettlebell swings (24/16) 30 Sit ups 400 meter Run A...Read More