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“Nancy”5 rounds for time of:400 meter run15 Overhead squats (95 lbs/65)  A Classic Benchmark. Nancy is a classic benchmark workout. The goal of benchmark workouts is to bring measurable, observable, and repeatable results to the CrossFit program. With a constantly varied program it’s easy to see why the black box concept of CrossFit could leave folks questioning “is this really making me fitter?” Benchmark workouts are just one of many ways to test and track your fitness to gauge improvement. Did you PR your Nancy time today? You’ll only know if you track your workouts!
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3 rounds: 100ft walking lunge50 air squats25 back extensions Back Extensions. Today we’re doing back extensions – in the workout! Back extensions are another exercise you can employ on the GHD during your weekly work before and after class.  It’s more slow and controlled compared to the other movements done on the GHD. We’ll walk through the movement toady in class but be sure to start throwing it in the mix! Check out last week’s description of how we expect athletes to utilize the GHD as part of their weekly time at Roots.  And stay tuned for a walk through on the back extension if you don’t make it in to class today!
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Tracie describes Bob Africa's success with CrossFit Endurance.
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IF YOU OWN A WRIST WATCH – PLEASE WEAR IT TO THE SHOP TODAY! Ten rounds: 100m sprint, rest 90 seconds Happy Hump Day! The past week has been less than what spring is all about.  Need a good laugh to get you over the past snowy week or to get you through today’s 10 x 100m sprints? Check out Jeff Foxworthy’s You Know You’re in Colorado When.  Sure, some of them probably don’t apply (like the vegetarian ones) but you’ll chuckle! 1. You switch from ‘Heat’ to ‘A/C’ in one day.2. You know what the ‘Peoples Republic of Boulder’ means.3. Your sense of direction is: towards the mountains and away from the mountains.4. You’re a meat-eating vegetarian.5. The bike on your car is worth more than your car and you have your own special bike lane.6. You’re able to drive 65 miles per hour through 13 feet of snow...
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Roots talks about cooking and how it keeps you on the right track.
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