
Stay in the Know

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Deadlift1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 CrossFit Endurance Preseason Training Program – Opens Today Signup opens today for the CrossFit Endurance Preseason Training Program. This program is designed to help maintain the running, cycling, swimming, and general endurance gains that you made over the summer. Or perhaps your New Year’s resolutions contain a 10k, half marathon, marathon, ultra, cycling century, or triathlon. Don’t wait until March to kick off your training.  Use the winter months to get a head start on a great season.  Don’t let the excuses of cold weather and snow derail your spring goals. The Pre-Season Training Program provides access to: – 2 CFE Strength and Conditioning WODs per week with the team (similar to CrossFit WODs in terms of structure and exercises, but designed for the needs of an endurance athlete)– 1 CFE running workout per week with the team and 1 additional programmed workout to be complete as “homework”.Additional group...
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For time:5 Front squats25 pull-ups4 Front squats20 pull-ups3 Front squats15 pull-ups2 Front squats10 pull-ups1 Front squat5 pull-ups Sunday Workouts! Remember we have 8 & 9 am classes today as well as Open Shop at 10.
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20min AMRAP:Run 400m3 rds:5 pullups10 pushups15 air squats Winter 2013 Apparel Orders Due Today The 2013 Winter Apparel orders are due today (Saturday).  Hoodies (in 8 colors), sweatpants, and baseball caps. Put in your order at the shop today during class or email it to Stefanie by 5pm today. To view options, please visit this post to see what’s available.
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Five rounds for time:30 wallball (20/14)15 GHD sit-ups Updates, Reminders, and Coffee. Yes, I realize the title of the post says “updates, reminders, and coffee” which, recalling from my 4th grade grammar and writing class, should make me remember to present the information below in that order.  Whatever, we want to talk about coffee first.  But we also want you to keep reading to learn about the updates and reminders. Coffee:Many of us have done it at some point in our life, yes you.  We have given up coffee.  We read an article, talked to a friend, or watched a news spot about all the negative effects of coffee – it will mess with your cortisol levels, it will ruin your sleep, and it will make you wrinkle and age quickly.  And with this information we decided to do the unthinkable – we decided to go one week, one month,...
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Roots adds Sundays to the class schedule.
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