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And here they are! The workouts for the 2024 Benchmark Series. To learn more about the Benchmark Series and how it is structured, read this blog post. Start planning your week to hit 4-5 of these workouts. Remember – pick the ones you DON’T want to do if you want to test and develop your fitness this year! Monday Glen For Time: 135/95 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps Run 1 mile 15 foot rope climbs, 10 ascents Run 1 mile 100 burpees Tuesday Back Squat 5×1 and Gymnastics Max Reps of: Muscle Ups, Strict Pull-ups, Kipping Pull-ups, or Bent Arm Hang (max time) Wednesday Row 1000m and L-Sit Hold: Max Time Thursday Squat Snatch Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes: 1 squat snatch Score = total load lifted across 10 sets Friday Angie For Time: 100 pull-ups 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats [/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
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The CrossFit Open is one of the best times of year at CrossFit Roots. Seriously. It’s a time when athletes come together to workout, refocus on their fitness goals, cheer one another on, test their limits, and create new goals for the following year. No matter your current fitness level or length of time doing CrossFit, there is so much to be gained from participating in The Open. Each year, CrossFit Roots has one of the highest levels of participation in the country and 2024 will be no different so you won’t want to miss this! What is the CrossFit Open? The 2024 CrossFit Games Open is a three-week competition open to anyone. Competitors are given one workout to complete each week and submit their scores online. New to this? Not super competitive? Don’t panic. Keep reading. Can I still compete if I have to scale workouts? Yes! There are...
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Back for the fourth year, we proudly present to you, the Great Attendance Challenge of 2024. It’s simple. We challenge you to attend 225 group classes at CrossFit Roots in 2024.  Why? Because consistency matters. A simple daily effort with solid overall effort will make one of the largest lasting impacts on your long-term fitness and health. So here’s how it works. Go to class. Sign-up in Zen Planner. Check in when you arrive at the shop. We’ll tally your progress throughout the year and let you know if you’re on track in the monthly newsletter.  All group classes and personal training sessions count toward your total. Open Shop, workouts done at home, a hike – they don’t count. Don’t even ask. Sorry, not sorry.  What happens if you do hit that 225 mark? We’re glad you asked. For all of you who earn that magical number of 225 – we’ll...
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Back for its 13th year! The Concept2 Holiday Row challenge is to row your choice of 100,000 or 200,000 meters between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  CrossFit Roots is proud to offer a designated and coached program to help you hit the mark! The organized and coached program at Roots is led by none other than our very own Lauren Rubini. Space is limited so sign-up by Wednesday, November 29th in Zen Planner under the Purchase tab in your profile! THE 4-WEEK PROGRAM This program consists of 4 coached workouts with additional programmed workouts for you to complete on your own. Athletes can utilize Open Shop hours to get in additional time on the rower. DATES You have between Thanksgiving and Christmas to complete your choice of 100k or 200k meters. The program at Roots will kick off on Thursday, Nov. 30, although you can start accumulating and tracking meters on Thanksgiving Day!...
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Join us on the Friday before Veterans Day (Friday, November 10) in group classes as we honor Chad’s life and bring awareness to suicide prevention. The Workout Chad Wearing a 45# rucksack, 1,000 step-ups to a 20″ box. Group Classes on November 10th We will do this workout in all group classes on Friday 11/10. As always, we will offer scaling options. We understand that some people may be limited by an hour however we will not stop you from finishing. If you have to stay longer to get it done, we highly encourage you to do so. And we’ll be there to cheer you on. Why This Workout? Read here. How to Support There are many ways you can support the effort and the goal of increasing suicide awareness: Come do the workout at Roots. Talk to friends. Smile. Give some high fives. CrossFit Roots is donating $5 to...
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