Backsquat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1thenTabata mash-uppush-ups and lunges CrossFit Endurance Program Times and Details CrossFit Endurance kicks off March 1st. See below for program meeting times and schedule. CrossFit Endurance meeting times: Mondays 12:00pm or 4:30pm*, Wednesdays at 12:00pmCrossFit Endurance Strength and Conditioning WODs: Wednesday and Friday at 5:30am*All classes closed to program participants only except the 4:30pm CFE class which will continue to be available to all CF Roots memberships Program details: Program includes two CFE workouts, two CFE-WOD workouts, and two regular group Roots WODs of athlete’s choice and time. Athletes will receive weekly interaction with coach to detail programming as well as additional sport-specific work for bike and swim. Program cost: $250/month for the three month program (would replace CF membership). Available to members and non-members. Non-members require foundations course. Email for details. Space limited to first 12 athletes. Email CrossFit Roots to sign-up. Post questions to comments.
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