
Stay in the Know

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“Rahoi” AMRAP 12 minutes: 12 Box Jump 24”6 thruster 95lb6 Bar-facing burpees Sleep Challenge Check-in Okay folks, we’re two weeks into The Rest and Recovery Challenge and we want to hear how it has been for you all so far.  How many hours are you averaging per night?  What has been the biggest challenge?  What changes in your day to day activities have you noticed?  What about your performances at the gym? For me, the first couple of nights felt really strange going to bed at 9pm, but that’s what I had to do if I was going to get 8 hours and be up by 5am.  I felt like a loser.  A 28 year old male going to bed at 9?!  I hadn’t done that since I was 10!  Then I began to think about and consider what I was missing by going to bed so early and I...
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Backsquat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1thenTabata mash-uppush-ups and lunges CrossFit Endurance Program Times and Details CrossFit Endurance kicks off March 1st.  See below for program meeting times and schedule. CrossFit Endurance meeting times: Mondays 12:00pm or 4:30pm*, Wednesdays at 12:00pmCrossFit Endurance Strength and Conditioning WODs: Wednesday and Friday at 5:30am*All classes closed to program participants only except the 4:30pm CFE class which will continue to be available to all CF Roots memberships Program details: Program includes two CFE workouts, two CFE-WOD workouts, and two regular group Roots WODs of athlete’s choice and time.  Athletes will receive weekly interaction with coach to detail programming as well as additional sport-specific work for bike and swim. Program cost: $250/month for the three month program (would replace CF membership).  Available to members and non-members.  Non-members require foundations course.  Email for details. Space limited to first 12 athletes.  Email CrossFit Roots to sign-up. Post questions to comments.
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CrossFit Roots details the CrossFit Endurance program at the shop!
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For time: 30 HSPUs 40 Pull-ups 50 KBswing, 24kg 60 Sit-ups 70 Burpees Endurance Info Meeting Tonight at 7PM Is winter dragging down your endurance training plans? Did this past snow storm leave you feeling like the bike trainer is your only outlet for the next few months?  Then look no further than the CrossFit Endurance meeting tonight. Whether you’ve got a triathlon in mind for the spring or you want to put a dedicated effort toward training for a 10K, come learn the ins and outs of the dedicated CrossFit Endurance Program starting at Roots on March 1st. In the meeting Tracie will discuss:– CrossFit Endurance– the training program in comparison to conventional long slow distance training– the structure of the program at Roots– program costs– program meeting times– how to get started if you’re not already a member at Roots Members and non-members, if an endurance race is...
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Roots introduces push-up February and recaps No Bands January.
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