
Stay in the Know

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DOWNLOAD YOUR CROSSFIT TOTAL WORKSHEET HERE 21-15-9KB snatchburpeeGHD sit-up   The Total Days of Winter Tomorrow kicks off the Total Days of Winter.  Here’s what to expect. Every class tomorrow will be 1.5 hours long.  While the coaches will keep everyone moving, remember that you have 1.5 hours to complete this workout. Warm-up The first 10 minutes will include a general warm-up to get you warm and stretched out. Partner Up Based on your worksheets, you and the coaches will divide everyone onto the four racks.  This will be the group you work with for backsquats and presses.  You and your rack partners are a team. Everyone is responsible for helping to make your rack operation safe AND efficient.  Help change plates, know the next weight your need on the bar, and call for a spotter when it’s needed. Backsquat (:30 minutes) The CrossFit Total begins with the backsquat.  Following...
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DT” Five rounds for time of:155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps CrossFit Kids comes to CrossFit Roots today.  Stay tuned!  We’ll post here.
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CrossFit Roots does Pick Your Benchmark Friday.
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DOWNLOAD YOUR CROSSFIT TOTAL WORKSHEET HERE. Tabata bottom to bottom squat, run 1 mile Be sure to sign-up for The CrossFit Total this coming Tuesday and Saturday.  AND come prepared with your worksheet.  It’s going to a blast. Great turnout last night for the Sectionals Prep meeting.  Remember to email Nicole by Friday if you are IN!
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DOWNLOAD YOUR CrossFit TOTAL WORKSHEET HERE. “Randy”75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. Sectionals Prep Meeting Are you ready for Sectionals?  Are you interested in Sectionals but need to find out more?  Tonight’s your night! Come to the Sectionals Prep Meeting tonight at 7pm at the shop. The CrossFit Sectionals is a community event that will most likely take place in the comfort of your own affiliate. So come find out what it’s all about.  You’d sign up for a local 5K, so come check this out! Here’s the outline for the meeting: – The CrossFit Sectionals: What we know so far– The Training Program for the next 8 weeks– Developing your training program– Strengths/weaknesses and what you need to focus on – Team qualification for Regionals
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