30 minutes work on understanding and performing the hip extension, then: 15 minute amrap:10 toes to bar20 kettlebell swings (think stable midline!)30 double unders400m run complete 3 push-ups between each exercise BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS Lulu For Everyone – The Lululemon evening this Friday from 6-8pm is open to all ladies AND GENTLEMEN. Ok gentlemen, we want to see you there and we want a fashion show! Come show off your Lulu. Registration for the Winter Rowing Challenge is now open. There are 12 spaces for this program. Sign-up here. If the first class fills up (9:00am), we will add an additional class at 10:15am so put yourself on the wait list if you try to sign-up and the first class is full. We will rollover the people on the wait list to the second class if we find we need to add it. Row Clinic Added to the Schedule. We have listed...
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