Press: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3then, the after press special Number 4: Consume Full Fat Dairy Only Full fat dairy is the only acceptable form of dairy in this challenge because first and most importantly fat is good for you. I’m not talking about the health magazines’ recommendation to nibble a few almonds or use olive oil. I’m talking about real, homegrown, dairy fat. The fat in milk helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, whole fat dairy products have little or no lactose, and fat is important for total fueling as you start to remove crap sources of fueling from your diet (you’re going to need to replace the calories somewhere). What do we consider full fat dairy? Cream, heavy cream, butter, cheese, and yogurt. For this challenge we will allow whole milk as a full fat dairy option to ease some of you back to the good side. Anyone who says they “honestly...
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