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Alright folks!  The day has come.  Time to buckle down, sack up, and choose your level. Below, please find instructions for how to claim and make your WTF Challenge Scorecard. 1. In your email Inbox, find the email from Nicole that shares with you the Google Docs WTF folder.  ***PLEASE NOTE: The file system we will use for the challenge works only with a Google email or account. If we sent the email to an email that is not linked to Gmail, you will need to do one of two things. Option 1: Email us your Gmail account and we will re-share the folder. Option 2: Create a Google Account using the email address we just sent this folder.  Be sure to create the account with the entire email address we sent the email to.  For example, if we sent the email to [email protected], make your google username that entire...
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Tons of Fun – accumulate as much weight as possible5 rounds of:Deadlift, 5 repsPushpress, 5 repsWeighted pull-ups, 5 reps1:30 to complete 5 reps for each set (4:30 per round) Did you sign-up for the Scavenger Hunt?  It’s next Saturday at 8:30.  Yes it’s a workout and yes it will be fun and challenging.  Sign-up on MBO.
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Press: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3then, the after press special Number 4: Consume Full Fat Dairy Only Full fat dairy is the only acceptable form of dairy in this challenge because first and most importantly fat is good for you. I’m not talking about the health magazines’ recommendation to nibble a few almonds or use olive oil.  I’m talking about real, homegrown, dairy fat. The fat in milk helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, whole fat dairy products have little or no lactose, and fat is important for total fueling as you start to remove crap sources of fueling from your diet (you’re going to need to replace the calories somewhere). What do we consider full fat dairy? Cream, heavy cream, butter, cheese, and yogurt.  For this challenge we will allow whole milk as a full fat dairy option to ease some of you back to the good side.  Anyone who says they “honestly...
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WTF Challenge packets will be emailed this afternoon.  Be sure to sign-up for the challenge prior to this afternoon so we know to email you!  Sign-up here. Then, read Monday’s post so you know what’s going on. Sign-up for your blood testing slot here For time: 25 Walking lunge steps 20 Pull-ups 50 Box jumps, 20 inch box 20 Double-unders 25 Ring dips 20 Knees to elbows 30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood 30 Sit-ups 20 Hang squat cleans35 pound dumbells 25 Back extensions 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball Number 2: No Gluten and No Soy But I don’t have Celiacs! Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, kamut, oats and many other grains.  It is also used in processed foods as a thickening agent.  So what is wrong with gluten? Gluten is a protein, or a long strain of amino acids that are bound together.  When it...
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SECOND WTF CHALLENGE INFO SESSION IS TONIGHT AT 7PM. With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. Number 2 is Eliminate Gluten but this is best described by first touching on Number 3: Eliminate Grains. Read on! No Bread?! Bread has become a staple in the American diet, and its effects are seen everywhere. Our nation is the most obese in the world and the most obese in its history. For the first time ever our generation has been given a decreased life-expectancy over our parents. Over the last 50 years there has been a 400% increase in individuals who are gluten intolerant (celiacs). And even after all this, you ask someone to give up grains and they IMMEDIATELY roll their eyes (yet those same people criticize the lung cancer...
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