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CrossFit Roots discusses the benefits of learning to play new sports.
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Roots explains why the single under is dead to it.
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Final Affiliate Team Workout from the North Central Affiliate Cup(it’s complicated, we’ll explain at the workout) All of the 2008 CrossFit Games Workouts, done as a 4 person team. For Time:Chest-to-bar Fran21-15-9 reps of:thrusters, 95 lbs (65 lbs)chest-to-bar pullups Deadlift/Burpee5 rounds of:5 deadlifts, 275 lbs (185 lbs)10 burpees Squat Clean to Overhead30 reps of:Squat clean to overhead, 155 lbs (100 lbs) Only one athlete may work at a time. Work sets may be done in any order. Once an athlete starts their work set, they must finish that work set.  Each athlete must do 4 work sets. The work sets are broken down as follows:1. 21 thrusters2. 15 thrusters3. 9 thrusters 4. 21 C2B pullups5. 15 C2B pullups6. 9 C2B pullups 7. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees8. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees9. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees10. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees11. 5 deadlifts/10 burpees 12. 6 squat cleans to overhead13. 6 squat cleans to overhead14. 6 squat cleans...
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3 rounds for time of:500 meter row12 overhead squats, 115 lbs (75 lbs) 50  double-undersWorkout #3 from the North Central Regional Qualifier. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s North Central Regional Qualifier Wrap-up Paleo 2.0 Starts Today! There are 16 teams competing for the top spot.  Teams and names are listed below.  If you would like to submit your team name, please post it to comments. Team 1: Lawrence/JamesTeam 2: Asha/Kaitlin F*** Gluten: Brian/JasmineTeam 4: Jason/GilTeam 5: Fraser/Jim Foo(d) Fighters: Barbara/MarkTeam 7: Jim/TomTeam 8: Kevin/PaulTeam 9: KayCee/ChrisTeam 10: Wendy/BonesTeam 11: Nisha/LoriTeam 12: Karen/MaryTeam 13: Olivia/Kathy Team 14: Scott/Blakely No Sugar, Lots of Spice: Andrew/Tara Team XL: Greg/Martin Lesson 1: Paleo Prep Take home point: Cook WAY more than you think. One of the first things you can do to make life simple in a Paleo kitchen is to learn to cook more food than what you need for dinner. In the picture above the...
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Come on in and hit a benchmark WOD of your choice.  You can pick a Girl or a New Girl (no Heroes) from any of the options here:CrossFit Benchmark Workouts If you are unable to make a quick decision, we are happy to help you choose:)  Happy Friday! Roots Affiliate Team: Day 1 Today is Day 1 of the Regional Affiliate Cup competition.  The Roots crew opens their competition this morning at 9AM with the team suicide run.  Follow us on Twitter (CrossFitRoots) or check for live updates here. Tracy and Nicole hit the platforms tomorrow morning at 8:30.
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