Paleo Team Challenge logs are due today! 3×5 squat 3×5 press then: 3 rounds for time: Farmer’s walk – 50 m 12 burpees Read About October Athlete Jasmine Yap Jasmine Yap Colorado ski resorts watch out! Jasmine Yap is coming to a slope near you. It’s a proven fact that skiers and snowboarders that can do pull-ups become better skiers and snowboarders. Seeing the progress Jasmine has made in just 2 short months, we’re very excited to get the report on how her CrossFit training transfers to her outside play this winter. Jasmine and her husband recently moved out west from Boston, Massachusetts. She now works up the road as a Research Assistant in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at CU. Jasmine is a fantastic addition to the crew. She is a natural at the barbell lifts and maintains an explosiveness even when the weights get heavy. We’ve yet...
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