Many of you have expressed an interest in food with questions such as: what should I eat, how much, when should I eat, and can what I eat improve my performance in the garage or while racing an event? For the next couple months, we’ll use Wednesdays (because it is our rest day) to post information to get you thinking about food. We’ll start with the basics – identifying real food. Here’s a short quiz. For each food listed below, decide whether or not you think it’s a real food. Post your answers to comments if you like. We’ll post the answers tomorrow. 1. Broccoli 2. Grapes 3. Ketchup 4. Baked turkey leg 5. LaraBar 6. Sliced roast beef deli meat 7. Chocolate Peanut Butter Zone perfect bar The following is an excerpt from the summary of Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto: “Food. There’s plenty...
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