Three rounds for time of:135 pound Front squat, 12 reps12 Burpee pull-ups Rest Days Crew, it’s time we had a long overdue talk. Really, I blame myself as this topic is something we have not put forth the time and attention it deserves. Like a parent talking to their kid about sex, drugs, and rock...Read More
Individually or in teams of two, complete:100 pull-ups100 KB swings (G/Y)100 double-unders100 overhead squats (95/65) For TEAMS OF TWO, complete 125 reps of each exercise. Nicole works through the pull-ups in the 100s workout at Regionals. Pacing makes a difference in this workout, but what pace? Like those pull-ups bars? So do we:) 4th of...Read More
5,000 meter partner row for timeSwitch every 250 metersEvery 250 switch, partner that comes off the erg must complete 25 anchored abmat sit-ups and smile while doing it.Read More
For total reps7:00 minutes power snatch (135/95)5:00 minutes burpees3:00 minutes double-unders Alice’s Wonderland You walk into the shop and you check the board. Deadlifts today. Glancing over the board you see a woman named Alice deadlifted 190 pounds for a 3 rep max. You later find out that Alice is 5’3″(ish). Ok, that’s pretty good....Read More
Three rounds for time of:50 Double-unders25 Wallball “2-fer-1s”, 20 pound ball From the vault… the one, the only, Zac Pine on today’s WOD. 4th of July Schedule – CrossFit Roots will run on a weekend schedule Monday, July 4th.Read More
Pics from the June Benchmark Series – Grace posted on Flickr! Team “Badger” In teams of two, complete five rounds for time of: 95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps 30 Pull-ups Run 800 meters The CrossFit Roots FAQ Hey Roots Crew, we need your help! We’re compiling a new athlete FAQ for the website and want...Read More
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps The CrossFit Roots FAQ Hey Roots Crew, we need your help! We’re compiling a new athlete FAQ for the website and want to know what you think needs to be included. What questions did you have when you first joined? What would have helped you assimilate into the group classes...Read More
“Nancy”5 rounds for time of:400 meter run95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps Jonathan heads to Couer d’Alene this weekend for the Ironman Triathlon. Track his progress here. Benchmark Thursday and Happy Hour Grab your favorite beverage to share and head to Roots this evening for the 3rd workout in the June Benchmark Series. This week’s...Read More