AMRAP 12 minutes:10 kettlebell swings (24/16kg)10 slam balls (30/20)10 slam ball lunge Do You Even Lift? Come get your Sunday workout in and work out the Fran aftermath. You’ll feel much better afterward.Read More
“Murph”For time: 1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats 1 mile Run *Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it. Murph There are two types of named workouts in CrossFit – benchmark Girls and...Read More
1,000 meter RowRest 5minMax Effort Ring Dips I Love You and CrossFit, in That Order Tomorrow night is the much anticipated, highly loved, wildly exciting, and oh so fun CrossFit Roots Couples Valentine’s Day workout. When: FRIDAY, February 14th at 5:00 PM Who: This workout is open to CrossFit Roots couples. Both partners must be active members at...Read More
CrossFit Open 11.3As many reps in 5 mins as you can of: Squat Clean, 165/110 lbs Jerk, 165/110 lbs Why I’m Doing the CrossFit Open, Part 2 – Caitlin The CrossFit Open is just 22 days away. In just 22 days we get to start the Friday night shenanigans that are the CrossFit Open. For...Read More
Row 5K or 3K And Then There Were 20… We just purchased 6 new ergs for the shop! We also purchased a set of slam balls in 20 and 30lb varieties. We’ll be incorporating them into workouts in the coming few weeks. Get excited! Read More
It’s Game Time! Today we head to the field in honor of the Denver Broncos pursuit of the 2014 Super Bowl title! Come join Ryan at North Boulder Park from 9-11 am. He’ll take you through a full on football practice and then – it’s game time! Remember to dress warm and be prepared for...Read More
REMINDER!: Today’s workout is at the University of Colorado Clare Small Pool at the CU Rec Center. Directions below. 15 minutes to complete as much of:25 Swim; 10 push ups, 10 air squats, 10 sit ups50 Swim; 10 push ups, 10 air squats, 10 sit ups75 Swim; 10 push ups, 10 air squats, 10 sit...Read More
For time:30 Muscle-ups135 pound Clean & Jerk, 21 repsRow 2,000 meters Go Broncos – Place Your Bet… It’s a BRONCOS weekend. Sure, Blaine will be rooting for Seattle and the SuckHawks but here in Denver we’ll be rooting for the BRONCOS. Post your bet to comments. Post winning team, score, and spread.Read More
CrossFit Total, Part 3Deadlift1-1-1 Why I’m Doing the CrossFit Open, Part 1 The CrossFit Open is just 29 days away. That’s right, in less than a month we get to kick off the biggest 5-week party of the season at Roots. If you’re not familiar with the Open or how it will go down at...Read More