CrossFit Total, Part 1 of 3Shoulder Press1-1-1 Download your CrossFit Total worksheet here. Enter your goal lifts in the “Your Goal” column and the sheet will auto calculate your warm-up lifts. Not sure what is the CrossFit Total? Read yesterday’s post so you’re in the know this week! Weekend Extravaganza: Swim WOD and Super Bowl...Read More
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:Back extensionGHD Sit-up135 pound Overhead Squat CrossFit TOTAL Week – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday We’ve got a big week ahead and it starts with the CrossFit Total spread over three days! Your CrossFit Total is the sum of your 1 rep max of press, back squat, and deadlift. It is important for...Read More
20 EMOTM10 wallball1 snatch Stronger, Faster, Healthier Visits Roots Monday Matt Aporta of Stronger, Faster, Healthier is coming to hangout at Roots tomorrow morning from 6:30 – 11:30am. SFH makes all the great protein powder and fish oil that you see at the shop. And, what better way to kick-off your Monday than with a healthy dose of...Read More
Five rounds for time of: Run 400 meters50 pound Dumbbell Clean & Jerk, 21 reps A Little Five Rounder Lots of neat stuff happening in the coming week so stay tuned! – The athlete series of posts “Why I’m Doing the Open”– Details on how to try on the new CrossFit Roots cycling kits– Information...Read More
“Cindy XXX” Complete as much as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 Pull-ups20 Push-ups30 Squats15 Pull-ups30 Push-ups45 Squats20 Pull-ups40 Push-ups60 Squats25 Pull-ups50 Push-ups75 Squats30 Pull-ups60 Push-ups90 Squats Shout Out Friday Here’s your chance. Give props, big-ups, and kuddos to the folks you workout next to everyday. Did you see someone make a break through, do something...Read More
8 minute AMRAP:12 thrusters (105/70)15 bar-facing burpees 145 Roots Athletes in the 2013 CrossFit Open… Remember 2013 when you and 144 other Roots athletes threw down on the CrossFit Open every Thursday night? Remember the energy in the shop? Remember the fun? Remember that Roots took home “Largest Team” in the Southwest Region and...Read More
REMINDER!: Class will meet at the Centennial Middle School Track! In Teams of 3:15 min AMRAPAMRAP burpeesAMRAP air squats3 person rotation, 1 person starts on burpees at one end, one person starts on air squats at the other end, 3rd person takes sled from person 1 to 2. 3 becomes the air squatter, 2 takes...Read More
Reminder! – This weekend is Park WOD Series January! – see you at the Centennial Middle School track for today’s workout! “Griff” For time:Run 800 metersRun 400 meters backwardsRun 800 metersRun 400 meters backwards Two Steps Forward, One Step Back Think this looks easy? Think again! See you at the Centennial Middle School track. This one isn’t...Read More
“Hard Cindy” Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 Weighted pull-ups, 35 pounds 10 Push-ups with feet on 30″ box 15 Squats holding a 45 pound plate Exercise as Potent Medicine Ever referred to your workout time as the drug that keeps you sane? You might not be that far from...Read More