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Chad and Jordan storm through 100 kettlebell swings for time. Information on the CrossFit Games Mountain Sectionals posted. Registration opens tomorrow. 12 days of CrossFit Roots.
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Information on the 2010 CrossFit Games Mountain Sectionals. Nicole pulls a deadlift at the CrossFit Regionals in 2009. Wallball and 200m run workout.
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Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps then: free standing handstand and parallette work On Saturday, we posted an article titled 5 Foods You Should Never Ditch When on a Diet.  We first responded to this article by stating that dieting is a gimmick and that it does not yield an eating style that delivers on long term health, fitness, or performance. We promised to break down foods 1-5.  We’ll start with #1: Bread.  Let’s expand that to grains in general and tackle some of the most commonly misunderstood aspects of grain consumption. 1. “I need grains, they make me feel good.” The article claims that “grains curb overeating.”  This could not be further from the truth.  When you eat grains (toast, cookies, bagels, for example) you get a quick boost of energy, your body produces insulin to take care of the massive influx of sugar (grains break down into sugar), but then...
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Foundations Course group interview clarification. Holiday schedule. Travel workout resources.
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Sarah Bird turns in her first overhead day. Yahoo article: 5 Foods You Should Never Ditch When You Diet. Heavy lift Saturday.
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