5-4-3-2-1power snatch (155/105)box jump (40/30) Cool Cruel Summer 2 & SFH Pre-order – Don’t Miss Out. The second Cool Cruel Summer Series workout and happy hour is this coming Thursday! Don’t miss out on the next series workout (it’s a good one!) or the festivities that go along side. Also, many folks missed out on...Read More
“Chelsea”5 pull-ups10 push-ups15 squatseach minute on the minute for 30 minutes. your score is 30 or the number of intervals you completed before falling off. missing the start of the next interval means you are out. scaled options? yes (duh). When to Clean Up and When to Hold Tight. 3-2-1-Go! You’re off, storming through the...Read More
12 minute AMRAP:20 KB swings20 GHD sit-ups20 wall ball You Are Not Special. As a caveat, you probably want to watch the video before you read this post… At my high school graduation a well-known congressman gave the commencement speech as his daughter was in our graduating class. It was pretty good. Two years later...Read More
10 sets:10 box jumps5 front squatsPerform one set every minute on the minute. Lift % Sheets. Lift sheets: Shane put together handy sheets to use for the next 12 weeks in regard to our strength cycle. Print it out. Put it in a zip lock bag. Bring it to class everyday. Don’t spend your lifting...Read More
4 rounds:AMRAP 4 minutes of:5 power clean 4 push press20 double-undersrest 2 minutes between rounds(135/95) Mrs. Killer A very special congratulations to Lori and her husband Josh!Read More
18-15-12-9-6-3C-2-B pull-upsoverhead plate lunge Class Schedule Updates and Reminders A number of classes have shifted or been added in the past week. Check it out! CLASS ADDITIONS/CHANGES: Mondays at 6am added to the schedule WOD 1.0 added to Mondays at 5:00pm AND WOD 1.0 moved from 5:00pm on Tuesdays to 5:30pm CF Oly moved from...Read More
21-15-9push jerk (115/85)burpees Download Your Lift Sheets We’ve overlaid a 12-week strength cycle onto various days each week for the next 3 months. The work on the push-press, deadlift, and back squat will be extremely valuable IF you have your numbers dialed in. Otherwise, each time you come to the shop it will be a...Read More
NEW TEES! ORDER BY THURSDAY. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS. AMRAP 10 minutes:15 OHS20 GHD sit-ups Midline, What Midline? Today’s workout pairs overhead squats and GHD sit-ups. Two exercises that rely heavily on midline stabilization. After doing today’s workout, did you notice the potency of this pairing? Post to comments.Read More