Zac Pine’s Gymnastics Total!Max Rep Pull-ups Max Rep HSPU Max Time L-sit Max Height Box Jump add up reps, time in seconds, and height in inches Fight Gone Bad – DO IT! It’s coming. The fundraising event of the year. Get your calves ready for this fun and intense workout that inspires folks to lay...Read More
5 Rounds for time: 5 Dumbell Cleans 20 Burpees Important Dates! Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful and relaxing week away from the shop. This week promises to be an action packed series of workouts, announcements, and events so be sure to read up on the details below! THIS Thursday – FIGHT GONE...Read More
11:30-1:30 – open shop for members Reminder!: Fight Gone Bad is THIS THURSDAY! Interested in getting started at Roots? Check out the CrossFit Roots Elements Course!Start date: Monday, September 12thMeeting times: M, T, Th for one weekCost: $190Click here for sign-up details. Remembrance Will you remember 9/11 today? Post to comments.Read More
Reminder!: Fight Gone Bad is THIS THURSDAY! In honor of 9/11:Team MurphIn teams of two, complete:1 mile run (in 200m increments)100 pull-ups200 push-ups300 squats1 mile run (in 200m increments)Teams must complete the run before moving to the bodyweight exercises. Teams can partition the bodyweight exercises however they please. Only one team member can work at...Read More
Annual shop closure Day 1. Fight Gone Bad 6 Details During the week of September 12th CrossFit Affiliates all over the world will do the workout Fight Gone Bad to raise money for three great causes. This has been an annual event since 2006 and has raised a combined total of more than $2...Read More
Tomorrow begins our week long annual shop closure. We will post content each day with lots of information on upcoming events and pictures of the new space. Enjoy the time away and come back chomping at the bit! Event information will include:– Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser– Fall Food Challenge– Barbells for Boobs Read More
In teams of two, complete 3 metcons one after the other:1. Run 800m in 200m incrementsWhile one partner is running, second person must hang from pull-up bar. Each time a team member drops from the bar the team must complete 5 burpees. Burpees done after the 800 is completed.2. 100 ring push-upsPartner 1 does ring...Read More
Shoulder press5-5-5-5-5thenhandstand work Fight Gone Bad 6 Details During the week of September 12th CrossFit Affiliates all over the world will do the workout Fight Gone Bad to raise money for three great causes. This has been an annual event since 2006 and has raised a combined total of more than $2 million. This year,...Read More
“Isabel”For time:Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps Monday Newsletter Keep an eye on your email inboxes this Monday for the September Newsletter. It comes completely packed this month with details on Fight Gone Bad 6, Barbells for Boobs, the fall upcoming events, the shop closure, and some super fun announcements. Stay tuned!Read More