The Chief Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Recognize those mugs? Recognize that place?! It’s the old shop, and before that it was literally a 1-bay garage at the house Nicole was renting at the...Read More
For time: Run 800 meters 100 push-ups 100-meter bear crawl Run 800 meters 50 handstand push-ups 50-meter handstand walk Run 800 meters “In the end, chronic disease is a deficiency syndrome. It is sedentation with malnutrition.” ~ Greg Glassman In Glassman’s latest article he separates the causes of death in the US into 5 categories...Read More
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 CCS – August Horton 9 rounds for time with a partner of: 9 bar muscle-ups 11 clean and jerks, 155 lb. 50-yard buddy carry U.S. Army Spc. Christopher D. Horton, of Collinsville, Oklahoma, died Sept. 9, 2011, in Zurmat District, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with small-arms fire....Read More
Please bring a stopwatch (not a phone) with you to class today AND Pre-Order your Yellowbelly food for Thursday night’s Cool Cruel Summer workout, Horton! Sprint 10x200m AM Olympic Weightlifting Foundations is here! Come spend four mornings with Ryan Landis learning detailed progressions of the snatch and clean and jerk. We will cover both movements...Read More
Pre-Order your Yellowbelly for this Thursdays CCS, Horton. It’s a partner workout too, so coordinate with a Roots friend! We will have an individual option. 12-9-6 reps for time of: 165-lb. squat snatches 225-lb. bench presses Another year has come and gone and we want to celebrate with all of you who have helped Roots grow...Read More
Pre-order your Yellowbelly for this Thursday’s CCS WOD, Horton. Weighted Strict Pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3 then, Max Unbroken Kipping Pull-ups in 1 set 4 weeks ago today we instated a rule that allowed strict pull-ups only during WODs that were not part of our yearly benchmark series. The idea was that a re-focus on the strict movement...Read More
40-30-20-10 reps for time of: Toes-to-bars Wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball Rest 5 minutes, then, 40-30-20-10 reps for time of: Hip extensions Wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball Record time for each couplet. In 2010 CrossFit held the CrossFit Games at the StubHub Center in Los Angeles. It was the first time the Games had been to a traditional...Read More
4 Rounds for Time: Row 20 calories 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 20 Abmat Sit-ups Eric and I are very sad to write that on Monday, Leticia and her husband Adrian, lost their son Daniel. He was 6 months old. Many of you have never met Leticia, but she has been part of the Roots...Read More
Nancy 5 rounds for time: Run 400m 15 overhead squats (95/65) Nancy is part of the Yearly Benchmark Series. Log your score! Trevor and I are pleased to announce that a very important movie in our lives has finally been recognized for the masterpiece that it is. USA Today broke the story late last night...Read More
Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps for time of: 135-lb. cleans Ring dips This past Saturday we held the 2016 Roots Summer Oly Meet and it was a huge success! In the words of Arlene Brugal, “We were crushing some serious weights!” A total of 45 lifters graced the Roots platform and displayed great strength and weightlifting technique. Twelve Roots...Read More