Luke For time:Run 400 meters155-lb. clean and jerks, 15 repsRun 400 meters30 toes-to-barsRun 400 meters45 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ballRun 400 meters1.5-pood kettlebell swings, 45 repsRun 400 meters30 ring dipsRun 400 meters155-lb. weighted lunges, 15 stepsRun 400 meters Post time to comments. Sign-up for the CrossFit Open! Nicole, Marge, and Castro are registered for the 2015...Read More
Hang Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 repsthen“Annie”50, 40, 30, 20, 10double-undersabmat situps Annie is part of the yearly benchmark series. Log your score! January 15th This should be an important date in your mind. Why? Because it’s the first sign-up day of the 2015 CrossFit Open. The CrossFit Open is one of the most wonderful times of...Read More
Women’s Only free Beginner Class on Monday, January 12th at 10:30am. Women’s Only January On-Ramp Course begins Monday, January 19th Click here to sign-up for one or both. Chest-to-bar pull-up ladderRest 5 minutes1/2 body-weight overhead squat ladder The OPEN is Coming! The 2015 CrossFit Open is on it’s way! What is the Open?! The CrossFit Open...Read More