For time:Row 500 meters/Run 500 metersBody weight Bench press, 30 repsRow 1000 meters/Run 1000 metersBody weight Bench press, 20 repsRow 1500 meters/Run 1200 metersBody weight Bench press, 10 reps Pick Your Benchmark Friday. It’s back! After a long hiatus, Pick Your Benchmark Friday is back. Why did it go away? Well, we sort of forgot...Read More
EMOTM for 15 minutes: 3 DB/KB push up5 DB/KB power clean8 DB/KB walking lunges on shoulders Waiting in Line to Vote? Read the Newsletter! and Check Out the In-House Oly Meet The November Newsletter hits email inboxes TODAY. There’s a WEALTH of information in there. Download it to your iPad, pull it up on your phone,...Read More
Five rounds for time of:115 pound Push press, 12 reps40 meter Shuttle sprint (4 x 10 meters)115 pound Squat snatch, 8 reps Run a 5K, Test Your Fitness. This coming Saturday we’re headed to the Skirt Skurry 5K in Boulder, Colorado. We have purchased 50 spots for Roots athletes to do this 5K. Sign-up on...Read More
For time:225 pound Hang clean, 30 reps50 One-legged squats, alternatingRow 2000 metersComplete top to bottom or bottom to top. 5K Opportunity! Read Up. We’ve got some exciting news. We have arranged for Roots to have 50 spots, free to Roots athletes, to the Skirt Skurry 5K on Saturday, November 10th! To register for a spot...Read More
Open Shop.10:30-12:30pmOpen to members only. Sign-up on MBO. Barbells for Boobs is Tomorrow! Remember Barbells for Boobs is Monday afternoon. Click here for detailsRead More
3 rounds for time: 400m run10 burpees20 pushpus30 PVC pipe overhead squats If it’s snowing, yes, we’re still running outside. Plan and dress accordingly. Welcome to a constantly varied winter. TYSH Thursday. Today is TYSH Thursday! Are you excited!? We are. What is TYSH Thursday, you ask? It’s take-your-shit-home Thursday! All Lost & Found items...Read More
Backsquat3 reps EMOTM for 10min @ 65%thenFive rounds for time of:15 lunge steps, carrying a 95 pound barbell in the front rack position30 Double-unders Barbells for Boobs – In ONE Week! Check it out! Just seven days stand between YOU and the best fundraiser to hit the Roots rubber mats. Tell your Roots friends, make sure...Read More
For time:100 Burpee pull-ups Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach. Strong, Smart, Beautiful Check out Janet’s recent explanation of her relationship with CrossFit. Everyone comes to Roots with their own goals and perspective on the role of health and fitness in their lives. It’s always a good reminder that we all...Read More
Three rounds for time of:10 Squat clean 135/9520 Box jump 24/20″ Test Your Fitness with a 5K We lift, we jump, we squat, row, swing, run, lunge, throw, clean, jerk, snatch and so much more. Now it’s time to put that fitness to the test! On Saturday, November 10th CrossFit Roots is running a 5K. And not...Read More