5 rounds for time of:20 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball225-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps Yearly Benchmark Series Finale It’s hard to believe that 11 months ago we started our Yearly Benchmark Series. August is our final month in the year long endeavor and we are excited to hear about your results. As we said in the beginning, you...Read More
16min EMOTM:min 1 – runmin 2 – walking lungesmin 3 – run backwardsmin 4 – burpee broad jumps Record total distance covered. What’s Your Story? CrossFit aired this as a commercial during the CF Games and I thought it was a great representation of 99% of CrossFitters out there. Sure, I love watching the Games and...Read More
WODs will be at Centennial Middle School track Saturday and Sunday. 25min AMRAP in teams of 4:100yd sled drag (70/45)100yd slam ball carry (30/20) Daily Sugar Intake According to this article on NPR the FDA proposed a new nutrition label that also list the daily percent value of added sugars in foods. “What this means...Read More
10 rounds for time of:5 handstand push-ups10 one-legged squats, alternating August Newsletter Keep an eye on your inboxes for the August edition of the CrossFit Roots Newsletter. Read up on all of these upcoming events and more! – Summer Oly Meet– Roots’ 6 Year Anniversary Party– August Cool Cruel Summer featuring Suerte Tequila– Annual Roots...Read More
Helen3 rounds:400m run21 kb swings (24/16)12 pull-ups Meet a Root: Aimee Rogers 1. Vitals: Aimee Rogers. I started foundations with a group from work almost 3 years ago. I think it was September 2012. 2. Where were you born/raised? Born in New Jersey. Grew up in Midlothian, VA. 3. Married, kids, family? Married (almost...Read More
Overhead Squat2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Mobilitize! As we continue to push our bodies harder and harder throughout the week mobility becomes a larger priority. With all that muscle building comes some very necessary basic maintenance in order to keep things moving smoothly. And that is where mobility class comes in! Mobility class is a half hour and...Read More
Fran21-15-9thrusters (95/65)pull-ups This is part of the Yearly Benchmark Series. Log Your Score. 2015 CrossFit Games Recap The 2015 CrossFit Games came to an end Sunday night and a new male and female stood atop the podium. After 4 days and 13 events, Ben Smith and Katrin Davidsdottir are the 2015 CrossFit Games Champions. Events...Read More
5 rounds of: 3 minutes of rowing 3 minutes of rest Post total distance rowed. Strengths, Weaknesses, and Just Checking the Box Last week we talked about hitting WOD’s with all-out intensity vs. pacing and how both methods have a place and should be a part of every athletes toolbox. Today I want to discuss...Read More
5 rounds for time of:Run 800 meters30 GHD sit-ups30 hip extensions Regularly Learn and Play New Sports What new sport are you trying today? Post to comments.Read More
Front Squat 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10 Last Chance Roots Apparel Order Don’t miss out on all the sweet new Roots’ apparel. Tomorrow, Sunday, is your last chance to pre-order your new 6th Year Anniversary tee, tank, hoodie, or all of the above! You can either order at the Roots’ front desk or online through the Square Store. Shirts are...Read More