Chipper 221 parallette handstand push-ups15 snatches (165/105)9 muscle-ups Round 2 For those who came yesterday this workout may look familiar. Same rep scheme but with two new movements. Muscle-ups are still on the menu, but don’t worry we have an entirely different way to scale than yesterday that will help you on your quest for...Read More
For time:21 one-legged squats with a 65-lb. dumbbell185-lb. clean and jerks, 15 reps9 muscle-ups Throwback Thursday With our 6th year anniversary approaching I couldn’t help taking a trip down memory lane in the CrossFit Roots Flickr account. Here’s a throwback to Roots’ early days in the old space. Still the same shenanigans and a lot of...Read More
Push Jerk3-3-3-3-3 The 2015 CrossFit Games Begin! Today is the start of the 2015 CrossFit Games in Carson, California. The Teen and Masters divisions kick it off starting at 9am this morning. For the full schedule of today’s events GO HERE. Check out the video above to see what some of the top male athletes...Read More
42-30-18 reps for time of:20-lb. wall-ball shots75-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls20-inch box jumps75-lb. push pressesRow (calories) Intensity Strategery Often times when I approach a WOD I find myself thinking about the best way to execute so that I can get the best score possible. And in the directions of most WODs we encourage this. AS...Read More
Marco3 rounds for time of:21 Pull-ups15 Hand Stand Push-Ups9 Thrusters, 135 lbs You Write the Caption Here’s a pic from the archives of Coach Ryan and Coach Tracie, and to have a little fun with it we want you to write the caption! Submit your best caption to comments! Read More
4min AMRAP:10 kb swings (24/16)10 burpee box jumps (20/24)REST 1MIN3min AMRAP:8 kb swings 8 burpee box jumpsREST 1MIN2min AMRAP:6 kb swings6 burpee box jumpsREST 1MIN1min AMRAP:4 kb swings4 burpee box jumps Masters and Teens Games Events Released We’re only a few days away from the kickoff the CrossFit Games. Check out the events that have...Read More
Holleyman30 Rounds: 5 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball3 Handstand push-ups225 pound Power clean, 1 rep This is part of your yearly benchmark series. Log your result. Shout Out Friday! Here’s your chance. Give props, big-ups, and kuddos to the folks you workout next to everyday. Did you see someone make a break through,...Read More
Place your Yellowbelly food order for tonight’s Cool Cruel Summer by noon today! 30 deadlifts (225/155)30 calorie row30 burpees over the bar July Cool Cruel Summer! And just like that, Summer is halfway over! Where did it go?! I can’t tell you but I can tell you that means it’s time for the July installment of Roots’...Read More
Place your Yellowbelly food order for this Thursday’s Cool Cruel Summer by the end of the day today! Weighted Dips5-5-5-5-5 then,12min AMRAP:min 1: 12 toes-to-barmin 2: 10m handstand walkmin 3: 35 double-unders Nature’s Chill-Pill Bacteria used to be a dirty word and something we aimed to avoid as much as possible but more and more...Read More
Place your Yellowbelly food order for this Thursday’s Cool Cruel Summer! PK5 rounds for time of:225-lb. Back Squats, 10 reps275-lb. Deadlifts, 10 reps400-meter SprintRest 2 minutes Roots Track WODs Hey Roots, did you know that every Thursday from 12:30-1:30pm there is a Track WOD?! That’s right, it started in May and it’s still going strong...Read More