Clean 2-2-2-2-2 reps June Free Class is Tomorrow (Saturday) at 11am! Interested in trying CrossFit and checking out Roots? Attend our free class this Saturday, June 14th at 11am! Stick around after the workout to learn more about CrossFit and Roots. Have a friend or colleague that you think might like or benefit from this thing...Read More
Split Jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps CrossFit Roots Welcomes Matt Chan to Roots This Evening Please join us tonight at 6pm for a Food Chalk Talk with Matt Chan. Matt is a 6-time Games competitor, member of the CrossFit Headquarters Seminar Staff, and co-owner of CrossFit Verve. His love for CrossFit paired with his knowledge and dedication...Read More
For time:Run 800 meters40 L-pull-upsRun 800 meters40 strict pull-upsRun 800 meters40 kipping pull-ups Roots 2014 Spring into Summer (and Real Life) Fuel Challenge Recap and Winners! Congrats to the 30 Roots athletes who participated and finished the 8 week Spring food challenge! This challenge was one of our longest challenges to date. It was divided...Read More
Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 repsthen10 toes-to-bar EMOTM for 6 minutes Roots Group Ride! Today’s the day! Ali has mapped out a gorgeous 18.96 mile road ride:). Meet at the shop by 8:30am. Here’s the route: -start at shop -right on 30th St -bike path under Iris, follow to 28th St -continue on 28th / 36 -right...Read More
McGheeComplete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:275-lb. deadlifts, 5 reps13 push-ups9 box jumps, 24 inches Saturday Group Ride! Don’t forget! Tomorrow (Saturday), June 7th at 8:30am is the first ever Roots group road ride! Did you get a Roots cycling kit? Then come decked out ready to ride! Don’t have road...Read More
2 rounds for time:10 handstand pushups20 burpees40 wallball20 pullups 10 hang power snatch (115/75) It’s Cool and It’s Cruel and It Has Tequila Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 19th as Roots, along with some good local friends, puts together one of the biggest summer bashes of 2014. Big that is, until we drop the July...Read More
Open Shop, 9:30-12:30 On to Day 3 – A Lot Can Happen After a challenging Day 1 at the South West Regional, team Roots moved from 16th to 5th overall at the close of Day 2. On Day 1, Roots collected 43 points with 9th, 15th, and 19th place finishes in Events 1-3. But Day...Read More
3 rounds:8×250 meters :45 seconds rest You Got Your Roots Cycling Kit…Now Join Us for a Ride! Saturday, June 7th at 8:30am the first ever Roots group road ride! Did you get a Roots cycling kit? Then come decked out ready to ride! Don’t have road bike? Show up on your mountain bike! We’ll leave from...Read More