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CrossFit Roots gears up for the 2010 Scavenger Hunt.
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Erik F. is having a little bit of trouble finding Paleo WTF Level 9 options at the UMC on the Colorado campus.  Nicole and Shane will meet him in the UMC cafeteria today at 1:45pm for a walk through and meal alteration lesson.  If you’re on campus at that time, come on by! Back Squat: 75% x 5, 80% x 5, 85% x maxthen,run 100mkb swing x 10run 100mkb swing x 9….down to 1 Level 7: Eat Grass Fed/Finished, Organic, Pasture Raised, and Wild Caught Meats Only “What you eat eats matters too.” So maybe you’re beginning to buy-in on this whole idea of what our bodies were designed to eat and not eat.  Have you ever stopped to think about what a cow was designed to eat?  What about a chicken? A pig?  Nah, what does that have to do with what I eat, nothing….WRONG. At some point in...
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“Jack”Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:115 pound Push press, 10 reps10 KB Swings, 1.5 pood10 Box jumps, 24 inch box We now take a break from our regularly scheduled WTF Challenge Level detailing to announce… ROOTS LADIES LULULEMON NIGHT! MARK YOUR CALENDARS for FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th! Exclusive Roots Ladies Private Party at Lululemon Athletica The amazing staff at Lululemon Athletica and Nicole, Lululemon Ambassador extraordinaire, invite you to a Roots-only night of wine, cheese, mingling, meeting, and, OM, maybe some shopping. When: Friday, November 12th from 6-8pm Where: Lululemon Athletica at the 29th Street MallWhy: Because we want to celebrate the fact that you work hard for your body.  And Lululemon clothes sure offer a nice way to show off the hard work:) Why do you like working out in Lulu?  Post to comments.
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8 rounds of: :30 row ( cal ):30 burpee1:00 rest Number 6: Eliminate Legumes, Starchy Vegetables, and (gasp) Squash The Paleo Diet is based on the way our ancestors ate prior to the invention of agriculture.  Sure, there’s some gray area and because we weren’t there with video cameras, we don’t know exactly what Paleo man ate (see Bones, I’ve acknowledged this fact); however modern science, anthropologic studies, and carbon dating has given us a pretty good idea. From a Paleo perspective, legumes and starchy vegetables are not included in the Paleo Diet because Paleo Woman did not consume them on a consistent basis (if at all) prior to the rise of agriculture. From a scientific, nutritional, and molecular perspective legumes and starchy vegetables are not fit for consumption because of their antinutrient content which includes lectins and saponins (we’ll cover lectins and saponins in a post next week, or you can...
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3 rounds for time:15 overhead squat (95/65)20 wallball400m run Number 5 – Cook only with animal fats or coconut oil. By now it should be very clear that we love fat and hope you do too; however, it’s important to have a basic knowledge of the fat that’s out there and which fats are best for cooking. Saturated Fats (SFAs – Saturated Fatty AcidsVery stable, high heat resistance, semi-solid or solid at room temperatureExamples include animal fat, coconut oil, butter, lard Monosaturated Fat (MUFAs – Monosaturated Fatty Acids)somewhat stable, some heat resistance, liquid at room temperature but are semi-solid at colder temperaturesExamples include: nuts, olives, avocados Polyunsaturdated Fat (PUFAs – Polyunsaturdated Fatty Acids)unstable, little to no heat resistance, liquid Examples include: peanutbutter, margarine, sun flower seed oil, sesame, soy, corn and sunflower-seed oils When cooked at high temperatures (in frying pans, in the oven, on the grill) nut and seed oils...
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