Come join us at 10:30am on the west patio at Whole Foods for the Primal Kitchen launch party! Hall5 rounds for time of:225-lb. cleans, 3 reps 200-meter sprint20 kettlebell snatches, 1.5 pood, 10 each armRest 2 minutes Kettlebell Snatch Today we get to practice a movement that doesn’t come up very often. And this is...Read More
Pre-Order your Yellowbelly food for this Thursday’s Cool Cruel Summer HERE. Deadlift5-5-5-5-5 Isabel is part of the Yearly Benchmark Series. Log your score! Don’t forget that Whole Foods will be hosting the Primal Kitchen launch party this Friday. Mark Sisson of Mark’s Daily Apple will be debuting his new line of Paleo mayonnaise while yours truly will...Read More
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 10 burpees 20 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball It’s that time of year again! Suns out, guns out! Skies out, thighs out! However you call it, it’s that time of year where we celebrate CrossFit and Summer. The Cool Cruel Summer Series begins this Thursday and...Read More
The parking lot is getting sealed tomorrow. Parking should be fine, but if there are any issues, please park across 30th on Mapleton and use the underpass to walk on over. Thank you! Overhead Squat 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10 CrossFit’s Next Generation 2015 is the first year that a teen division has been added to competition. Checkout some...Read More
In teams of two, with one partner working at a time, complete:For time: 100 squats 100 sit-ups 100 push-ups 100 pull-ups 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups 100 squats Sit, Stand or Walk? A new study raises concerns about the productivity level of workers who use treadmill desks. Studies have already shown an increase in health benefits...Read More
Diane21-15-9 reps for time of:Deadlift 225/155# HSPU Shout Out Friday! Here’s your chance. Give props, big-ups, and kuddos to the folks you workout next to everyday. Did you see someone make a break through, do something great, or something nice? Here’s your chance to give them the credit they deserve, it’s shout out Friday!...Read More
15-12-9 reps for time of:135-lb. thrusters45-lb. weighted pull-ups Cool Cruel Summer Begins Next Week! Our 2015 Cool Cruel Summer series begins next Thursday! In May we asked you to vote for the workouts that you would like to see this year. We listened and made our selections, and we will be releasing them next week!...Read More
SIGN-UP FOR THE GOLF OUTING! Run 6x400mRest as needed between efforts. Piper Durling Please help us welcome Piper Durling to the Roots family! Congratulations to Caitlin, Jake, and Holden! Many of you saw Caitlin working out (and looking amazing) over the past nine months. She’s now CrossFitted through two pregnancies and made it look beautiful. Read about Jake...Read More