5min AMRAP of:2 thrusters (135/95)2 burpees over the bar4 thrusters4 burpees over the bar6 thrustersand so on… Rest. Then… 5min AMRAP of:20 kb swings (24/16)20 hand-release pushups Drinking Candy This video is hilarious. Watch it. Read More
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:275-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps20 GHD sit-ups Getting Judgy with It Whoo! Unh, unh, unh, unh, Hoo cah cahHah hah, hah hahBicka bow bow bump bumpWhat, what, what, whatHah hah hah hahOn your mark ready set let’s goRoots floor pro I know you knowI go psycho when the Open...Read More
Please note, the Erg WOD has been cancelled today as Lauren is out sick. Get well soon Lauren! Holleyman 30 rounds for time of:5 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball3 Handstand push-ups225 pound Power clean, 1 repHolleyman is the last benchmark work for January. Come log you score and compare to October! Why I Did...Read More
Tabata This! Tabata rowRest 1 minuteTabata squatRest 1 minuteTabata pull-upRest 1 minuteTabata push-upRest 1 minuteTabata sit-up Catch the Fever… Are you signed up for the Open? Check out this series (Part 1) of why folks at Roots participated in the Open last year and plan to do so again in 2015! Why I Did the...Read More
Four sets for times and efficiency:10 Box Jumps (30″/24″)10 Toes to Bar10 Alternating Pistols Rest. Then… Four rounds for time of:5 Squat Cleans (185/125 lbs)10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups20 Double-Unders Winter Class Additions and Changes We wanted to highlight a few winter schedule additions and changes. First, we will now offer an Olympic Weightlifting for CrossFit class...Read More
5 rounds: :45 ON/:45 OFFclean and jerk155/105Rest 5 minutes, then:Tabata Row. Stop Checking Email So Often We’re all busy people and need to correspond with clients and coworkers in a timely manner. But can over checking email be stressing us out more than it needs to? Kostadin Kushlev and Elizabeth W. Dunn detail in this NY Times...Read More
Free Beginner Class Today at 10:30am. 4 rounds, each for time of:800-meter run or row Cyclocross Champion At the Cyclocross National Championships in Austin, Texas, Roots’s own Carden King took 1st Place . We’re super proud of all the hard work he put in!Read More
Free Beginner Class on Sunday at 10:30am. 5 rounds of 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest of:Hang power clean (95/65)Chest to bar Pull-upMuscle UpBox Jump 24/20Incline Push Up A 12-Hour Window Given how readily accessible food is and our fewer and fewer hours of nightly sleep, it’s easy to see how our...Read More
5 rounds for time of:20 strict ring dips135-lb. thrusters, 14 reps Sleep, Recovery, and Weight Gain This past week, I spent six days traveling to Asia and back. 13 opeour plane rides, an 18-hour time change, and unfamiliar territory left my sleep habits in disarray. Coming home on Monday night I hopped on the scale...Read More