CrossFit is defined as constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. Constantly varied meaning any and all imaginable tasks, and the goal of that training method is to create a well-rounded and general fitness base. But “any and all imaginable tasks” covers a lot of things! And what about the tasks we can’t yet...Read More
Every day at CrossFit Roots athletes are nervous, fearful, and anxious about the workout (they’re also excited, happy, and motivated). Perhaps the movements are new to them, or the length of the workout seems impossible, or the workout contains a movement that is not their favorite. It came to my attention awhile back that while...Read More
There are some things that we do every single day at Roots – like meeting at the whiteboard to talk through the workout or going through a proper warm-up. While in some ways mundane, it lays the foundation for the environment in which we train and is an integral part of our class vibe. The...Read More
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 4 bar muscle-ups 45-lb. dumbbell Turkish get-ups, 6 reps 8 ring push-ups As we gear up for the start of the 2017 Benchmark Series, we thought we’d take a moment to talk about some of the whys behind the daily “what’s the workout?” and programming...Read More
Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 Push press 5×5 is part of the Yearly Benchmark Series. Log your score! Suppose that everything you needed or wanted to accomplish in a day (or week or month) had a finite total. In other words, you had a 5-gallon bucket from which you had to fit all of your work and life...Read More
For time: 12 ring handstand push-ups 225-lb. back squats, 15 reps 20 burpees 9 ring handstand push-ups 205-lb. front squats, 18 reps 20 burpees 6 ring handstand push-ups 185-lb. overhead squats, 21 reps 20 burpees On Saturday evening I was flipping through Facebook when a shaved-headed woman in a hospital gown appeared on my screen....Read More
Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 This lift is part of the yearly benchmark series, log your score! Does your knee go where you tell it to go? Do you know where it should go? ACL injuries often occur in dynamic knee valgus, or in other words when the athlete is in motion, the leg is subject to force, and the...Read More