Hortman Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes of:Run 800 meters80 squats8 muscle-ups Squatember The Benchmark Series comes to an end this month. Never fear, it’s coming back in October and we’ll release the new workouts and structure next week. But it’s not as if we’d leave you hanging for the month of...Read More
For time:135-lb. snatches, 50 reps Regulating Personal Trainers Does anyone have the right to tell you how to exercise? Does anyone have the right to tell your personal trainer or coach what methods she can utilize to improve your fitness and help you reach your goals? New regulations being written in the District of Columbia could...Read More
Split Jerk3-3-3-3-3-3-3thenTabata Abmat Sit-ups Shake It Up Ryan likes heavy metal and AC/DC. Ali has a thing for Ke$ha. Nicole would do anything to meet Katy Perry but playing her Pandora station 24/7 helps fill the void. Shane loves Dubstep. Trevor chooses Geronimo radio most mornings and Eric, well Eric is a little unpredictable. Kirk and...Read More
In teams of 2, complete 3 rounds of:Run 400m & Row 500m / AMRAP pull-ups – in 5:00minRun 400m & Row 500m / AMRAP handstand push-up – in 5:00min Workout clarification – one teammate will run and one teammate will row at the same time every round. You will alternate each round as to who runs...Read More
Every 2 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-2:00 15-ft. rope climbs, 2 ascents 185-lb. front squats, 2 reps From 2:00-4:00 15-ft. rope climbs, 2 ascents 185-lb. front squats, 4 reps From 4:00-6:00 15-ft. rope climbs, 2 ascents 185-lb. front squats, 6 reps Continue adding 2 reps to the front squat each interval...Read More
4 rounds for time:Run 400m15 power snatch (75/55)20 Abmat sit-upRest 2 minutes between rounds. Rounds 1 and 3 begin with run, rounds 2 and 4 begin with sit-ups. Summer may be winding down but this cobbler is a must have before fall! It might be the only Paleo dessert that Eric has ever fallen in...Read More
“Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps of:Clean 135/95 poundsRing dipsFor this Elizabeth we will use power cleans. How Long? One of CrossFit’s oldest sayings goes like this: “CrossFit gives you infinite things to suck at.” While we can all chuckle at this saying, we can also all relate to it. Whether you’re new to CrossFit and learned a killing pull-up...Read More
Nancy5 rounds for time of:400m run15 Overhead squat 95/65 This is part of your Yearly Benchmark Series. Log your results. Before and After This is Boulder and it’s no secret that most Boulderites are pretty darn active. Unless CrossFit is your sport of choice you’re probably at Roots to improve your overall heath, increase your...Read More
Front Squat3-3-3-3-3 This is part of the Yearly Benchmark Series. Log your result. Oly Foundations Is Here! Come spend four nights with Ryan Landis learning detailed progressions of the snatch and clean and jerk. We will cover both movements and their variations in depth. If you consider these awesome lifts a weakness, then come work...Read More
Masters Event 33 rounds for time of:95-lb. ground-to-overheads, 10 reps200-yard shuttle sprint Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken & Sausage I try and start the week off with something in the slow-cooker. It makes life easier when you already have a ton of cooked protein in the fridge. A quick google search for “Paleo crockpot” led me...Read More