
5 Rounds with a partner:10 burpees20 wallball (20/14)30 double-undersRun 400m Bring a Friend Day! Today is the day!  The day to bring that person that you’ve been trying to convince to give CrossFit a try into Roots to try out a workout with you.  Click here to read the original post and look below for...
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Don’t forget that this Thursday is Bring a Friend Day! Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:10 chest-to-bar pull-ups10 handstand push-ups20 hip extensions Meet a Root: Megan Casey 1. Vitals: Megan Casey, joined Roots in November 2014 2. Where were you born/raised?  Littleton, CO 3.  Married, kids, family?  Dating fellow Roots member Nick...
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Death by C2B Pull-UpsWith a continuously running clock do one chest-to-bar pull-up the first minute, two chest-to-bar pull-ups the second minute, three chest-to-bar pull-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed. This is a part of the yearly benchmark series.  Log Your Score. Fourth...
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21 power snatch (95/65)84 double-unders15 power snatch 60 double-unders9 power snatch36 double-unders Double-under Sunday Double-unders help improve balance, agility and especially coordination.  These skills carry over to every other movement in CrossFit so the importance of mastering them cannot be overstated.  They also happen to be one of the most frustrating exercises to master.  The...
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Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Weighted pull-up 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Bring a Friend Day at Roots Do you have a friend or family member that has been asking you what this CrossFit thing is all about and why your butt looks so amazing? Or maybe there is someone that you have been trying to get in the...
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For time:Row 2,000 meters50 wall-ball shots, (20/14)Row 1,000 meters35 wall-ball shots, (20/14)Row 500 meters20 wall-ball shots, (20/14) Skinny Jeans and Rhabdo I’ve never been a fan of skinny jeans for men.  With the amount of squatting we do in CrossFit they just don’t fit and I’m really happy about that.  This story explains the hard lesson a young...
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3 rounds for time of:7 bar muscle-ups205-lb. squat clean and jerks, 7 reps Gymnastics Positions Watch the video above and you’ll notice that the athlete, Dave Durante, keeps his legs straight and his body long throughout the entire movement.  Even as he moves into the kip his knees remain straight and you can see him...
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The front half of the parking lot is being sealed so please be prepared to park in the alley or on Mapleton and use the bike path underpass to walk over.  Thanks! CindyAMRAP 20 minutes of:5 pull-ups10 push-ups15 squats This is part of the Yearly Benchmark Series. Log your score! Adaptation to Exercise The benefits of exercise...
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Today’s class will meet at the Centennial Middle School track. 1min ON, 1min OFF:2 burpee broad jumpsrun remainder of 100yds add 2 burpee broad jumps each round until you can no longer finish the sprint within the 1 minute cutoff or you reach 100yds of burpee broad jumps. Sunday Funday What’s the point of all...
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Today and tomorrow’s classes will meet at Centennial Middle School. 4 rounds:30 air squats20 pushupsrun 400m The Games are Coming The CrossFit Games begin July 21st!  Are you going?  Who are you cheering for (besides Camille, duh)?  What are your predictions?  Post to comments. Also, don’t forget today and tomorrow’s WOD will be at the...
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