First off, thanks to Tosh for coming out and coaching our group yesterday morning. In the process of getting set-up I forgot to give him a proper introduction, which I realized when a few of you later asked me, “who was that guy that coached us?” Brian Chontosh (Tosh) is a badass CrossFitter and technique...Read More
Big Ups to everyone on their impressive PRs yesterday! It’s a great accomplishment to follow-up two shoulder and upper body intensive WODs with a one rep max PR in the shoulder press. You earned your rest day. Thanks Emily for sharing your Cinco de Mayo shades which were the obvious source of a few...Read More
First 20 minutes: snatch technique work WOD: Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps A big thanks to MBS CrossFit for having us out for the Spring Weightlifting meet. It was fun and competitive and a great learning experience! Results here.Read More
WOD: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Skill work: skin the cat, hand stands, and lock outs The Boulder Stroke and Stride series is just around the corner. Check out the calendar and let us know which dates you can attend! Read More
The next Introduction Class series begins Tuesday, May 5th. Call or email to find out more or to sign-up. Spaces limited. The Introduction Class meets in the evenings and on the weekends for six sessions over a two week period. The six sessions lay the foundation for what we do in workouts and prepare you to join...Read More
First 20 minutes: running technique work WOD: Run 5K Strength: L-sit development Saturday’s workout is at Front Range CrossFit. This weekend we will travel down to Front Range CrossFit for the final Regional CrossFit Games practice workout. Let Nicole or Eric know if you plan to attend. We will leave Boulder around 8am. Sunday workout...Read More
On Friday we will be doing the CrossFit Total. It is important for everyone to understand why and how we do the CrossFit Total, the thought process behind the selection of the three lifts, and what information we can gain from our total score. Please read the following article BEFORE the WOD on Friday morning....Read More
Kettlebell work before the workout today. We're headed down to Front Range CrossFit this weekend for a practice workout for the Regional CrossFit Games.Read More
Presenting The Garage4150 website. Bridger CrossFit owners stayed with us this weekend and attended the CrossFit Gymnastics certification with Nicole.Read More