Five rounds for max reps of:2/3 Body weight thrusterPull-upsChoose between dead hang or C2B pull-ups. Eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and NO SUGAR! Check out the sugar loads in the foods highlighted in this news story. SUGAR.Read More
5 rounds: 200m run7 front squat7 push press Constantly Varied, Functional Movements, Performed at High Intensity In the shop, we throw around a lot of phrases, such as “functional movements.” Like “luxury” in condominium advertisements, “functional” is overused in the fitness industry. So just what do we mean when we say that we do functional movements...Read More
1 rep-max Snatch or Overhead Squat Paleo Showdown Winner The results are in. The top five finalists in the Paleo Showdown, in no particular order, were:1. Tara2. Andrew3. Brian4. Karen5. Mari After careful deliberation and judging, we arrived at a clear and obvious winner. Congratulations to BRIAN!Read More