Eric’s birthday workout, because he LOVES double unders: 3 rounds for time: 10 snatches (95/65) 20 burpees 30 wall ball (20/14) 40 double unders This workout was the 2nd WOD from the Montana State Games We will be closed on Labor Day Monday. Our new schedule rolls out September 1st. It will be as follows:...Read More
Second of 3 consecutive 20 minute AMRAPs thrown out on the CrossFit main site. Interesting New York Times article: Wiggling Their Toes at the Shoe Giants.Read More
Nicole returns from the Montana State Games where she was head judge of the event. Pick your workout today - Cindy or Mary. New Foundations Course for September announced. Sign-up soon!Read More
Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps. BIG UPS to Molly Molter for getting five kipping pull-ups without bands yesterday. This is a phenomenal accomplishment as Molly started CrossFit just five months ago and used 4 bands in workouts. Also BIG UPS to Terri Karlsson for her rock solid kip form yesterday.Read More