In teams of 2, complete 3 rounds of:Run 400m/AMRAP pull-ups – in 5:00minRun 400m/AMRAP handstand push-up – in 5:00min Workout clarification – you and your partner will run 400 meters. With the time remaining in that interval (5:00) accumulate as many pull-ups as a team. During the second interval, accumulate as many handstand push-ups as...Read More
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:95 pound Thruster, 5 reps95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps It’s coming. The October Foundations Course is just three weeks away! Start date: October 12thMeeting times: Tuesday/Wednesday at 7pm and Fridays at 5pm for four weeksSign-up here.Read More
Fight Gone Bad Sign-up on MBO to reserve a class spot for Saturday, September 25th! For time:21 Pull-ups21 Handstand Push-ups18 Pull-ups18 Handstand Push-ups15 Pull-ups15 Handstand Push-ups12 Pull-ups12 Handstand Push-ups9 Pull-ups9 Handstand Push-ups6 Pull-ups6 Handstand Push-ups3 Pull-ups3 Handstand Push-ups Handstand push-ups are “nose to floor” and pull-ups are “strict” or non-kipping. SCALE BACK YOUR TOTAL REPS TO MAKE...Read More