Check-out Roots and athlete Scott Graham on the affiliate mainpage from this Sunday! Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Sign-ups for the In-House Olympic Weightlifting Meet and the January Foundations Course are now open! In-House Olympic Weightlifting Meet: Saturday, February 5th – 12:00pmCome join the coaches at Roots for a USAW-style competition complete with judged lifts....Read More
30 minutes work on understanding and performing the hip extension, then: 15 minute amrap:10 toes to bar20 kettlebell swings (think stable midline!)30 double unders400m run complete 3 push-ups between each exercise BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS Lulu For Everyone – The Lululemon evening this Friday from 6-8pm is open to all ladies AND GENTLEMEN. Ok gentlemen, we want to...Read More