Friday's WOD involved a short set of snatches and 30 muscle-ups for time. We'd like everyone to create their personal MindBodyOnline account this weekend. We'll do a demo next week at the gym.Read More
Big ups to Emily for her HUGE PR in Nancy and to Stephanie and Nathan for completing their first group WOD. Endurance workout at Spruce pool and heavy cleans.Read More
Benchmark WOD Nancy today. Sign-up for the "Be a CrossFit Roots DJ for a Week" and choose the music for a week! Also be sure to check out the air-squat video from the CrossFit main site!Read More
Last day to pre-order your CrossFit Roots t-shirt! Burpees and power cleans for today's WOD. August Foundations Courses are filling up FAST - reserve your spot now.Read More
The logo is finished! Thanks to Molly and Emily for their steady hands and help painting the logo. Glute-ham sit-ups and back extensions today.Read More
REMINDER: Saturday workout at CrossFit Roots, 9am. Stephanie and Nathan, which was better: your wedding day or yesterday’s graduation from the CrossFit Roots’ Foundations Course? I’ve got to think it’s a pretty close call considering you did the Foundations Course while married. Just a thought. Congratulations to Stephanie and Nathan! Can’t wait to see you...Read More
Pre-order for the CrossFit Roots t-shirt starts tomorrow! We’ll post the link here. Today we’re doing the last of the 3 Paleo Team Challenge WODs. WOD: Four rounds for time of: 5 reps 275 pound Deadlift, (185# women) 100 m sprint 10 BurpeesRead More