
clean and jerk
CrossFit Roots is graduating 12 athletes from the Foundations Course today! Email with information on the Paleo Diet Talk with Dr. Loren Cordain sent out Thursday. Paleo Kits are in! Buy Tupperware to prep your Costco trip food.
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The Missing Winks have a slight lead over the Foxy Ladies in the Paleo Team Challenge.  Big-ups to Ivete who earned the most invidual points for Week 1.  The Missing Wink’s pulled ahead with the points Emily earned for submitting a recipe and for winning the team WOD last Friday morning.  Remember, you and your team...
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WOD:  2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Clean and jerk “I’m healthy, I eat whole grains.”  Not so fast there my paleo virgin friend.  Paleo rules, grains drool. The Real Truth About Those “Healthy Whole Grains.” Announcements: Olympic Weightlifting Clinic with Ryan Landis on June 27th at 9:00AM.  Sign-up here. Your next chance at our Foundations Course begins June 29th at...
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