Dr. Loren Cordain is coming to CrossFit Roots September 17th. Be sure to come to this fun event to learn more about the Stone Age Diet and how it applies to modern day eating!Read More
CrossFit Roots will begin to use a method systematically scaling workouts for each athlete. Amy Weaver is half way through the Foundations Course.Read More
Today we'll work up to a 1 rep max in the push press. WOD for today is run 5K. The official CrossFit Roots computer is here. Track your progress and get better results. Your account is on us!Read More
New Foundations Course added for August. New class times starting mid-September. Check out Trevor's 165lb hang power clean. Celiac article is a must read.Read More
Friday's WOD involved a short set of snatches and 30 muscle-ups for time. We'd like everyone to create their personal MindBodyOnline account this weekend. We'll do a demo next week at the gym.Read More
Big ups to Emily for her HUGE PR in Nancy and to Stephanie and Nathan for completing their first group WOD. Endurance workout at Spruce pool and heavy cleans.Read More
Benchmark WOD Nancy today. Sign-up for the "Be a CrossFit Roots DJ for a Week" and choose the music for a week! Also be sure to check out the air-squat video from the CrossFit main site!Read More
Last day to pre-order your CrossFit Roots t-shirt! Burpees and power cleans for today's WOD. August Foundations Courses are filling up FAST - reserve your spot now.Read More