For Time:10 Front Squats 155#/95# 20 Double unders8 Front Squats30 Double Unders6 Front Squats40 Double Unders4 Front Squats50 Double Unders2 Front Squat60 Double UndersTaken from the New York/New Jersey sectional. Big-ups to Christy who got her first unassisted kipping pull-up! 2010 CrossFit Games Mountain Sectional Highlight VideoWant to see the eye of the tiger in Emily...Read More
AMRAP 10 minutes: 6 squat cleans (155/95)9 chest to bar pull-ups12 box jumps Workout #3 from the Mountain Sectionals Qualifier The Fall of the Logo Wall – March 2010 This weekend the logo wall came down and Roots gained 300 additional square feet of training space. Funny to think that we started in a space...Read More
The Roots team is doing great! Tomorrow’s workout is a 10 minute AMRAP:6 squat cleans (135/95)9 chest to bar pull-ups12 box jumps (20/24) Thanks to everyone who came out to cheer on the Roots Crew today. We REALLY appreciate it!Read More
Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Eating Paleo Even When Your Best Attempt Doesn’t do the Trick Last week we touched on the fact that it is possible to eat a Paleo meal just about anywhere in Boulder. Sometimes the key is figuring out what you can eat by asking questions about menu items, having the guts to ask...Read More