CrossFit Roots and the Denver area CrossFit community welcomes Dr. Loren Cordain for a talk on The Paleo Diet and the evolution of the western diet.Read More
CrossFit Roots is graduating 12 athletes from the Foundations Course today! Email with information on the Paleo Diet Talk with Dr. Loren Cordain sent out Thursday. Paleo Kits are in! Buy Tupperware to prep your Costco trip food.Read More
CrossFit Roots is going into its first fall but it's sure to be a memorable one. Our Grand Opening is September 19th and Dr. Loren Cordain is coming to speak on September 17th.Read More
Last week for the August Foundations Courses. Emily, Molly, and Nicole are headed to the Colorado Open next weekend. CrossFit Roots Grand Opening and Paleo Diet Talk with Dr. Loren Cordain are less than two weeks away!Read More