7 rounds for time:5 Handstand push-ups185 pound Deadlift, 10 reps10 Chest to bar pull-ups20 Double-unders Have you been skiing this year? Boarding? Skate skiing? Cross country skiing? If so, how was it? Did your summer and fall at the shop help those first day legs – or not so much? Post to comments. Read More
CrossFit Baseball meet at the southwest corner of North Boulder Park at the intersection of Balsam and 8th Street where the road bends. Happy Thanksgiving to the Roots Crew. We are so thankful for you, our amazing community of athletes. Have a wonderful holiday.Read More
30 minutes work on understanding and performing the hip extension, then: 15 minute amrap:10 toes to bar20 kettlebell swings (think stable midline!)30 double unders400m run complete 3 push-ups between each exercise BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS Lulu For Everyone – The Lululemon evening this Friday from 6-8pm is open to all ladies AND GENTLEMEN. Ok gentlemen, we want to...Read More
Snatch balance 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Wendy masters the band-free kipping pull-up, Ted maintains a healthy CFR attendance three weeks prior to the birth of his first child, Olivia has a BREAKTHROUGH in her air squat, and Alex hangs tough in the WTF Challenge. Things are happening at Roots. Happening. Aligning Strength and Technique Many factors go in...Read More